
The Cloud Operating System (COS) is a middleware framework that supports autonomous workload scalability based on application-level migration as a reconfiguration strategy. Utilizing an actor-model based runtime on multiple IaaS clouds, COS provides seamless scalability over hybrid clouds.

To finish application tasks within a given time period, COS implements a dynamic programming-based scheduling algorithm. Currently, COS is optimized for massively-parallel computationally intensive applications.

For details, please see our UCC2013 and UCC2012 papers.

How it works

COS generates and maintains a resource configuration (i.e., how many & what Virtual Machine (VM) instances to allocate) to finish all the application tasks before a deadline specified by the user. When scaling up/down VM instances, COS migrates worker programs between the instances so that workloads are balanced.

Open Source Software

COS is an open source software and freely available at Github.

Related Publications

  • Shigeru Imai, Thomas Chestna, and Carlos A. Varela. Accurate Resource Prediction for Hybrid IaaS Clouds Using Workload-Tailored Elastic Compute Units. In 6th IEEE/ACM International Conference on Utility and Cloud Computing (UCC 2013), Dresden, Germany, December 2013 (PDF).
  • Shigeru Imai, Thomas Chestna, and Carlos A. Varela. Elastic Scalable Cloud Computing Using Application-Level Migration. In 5th IEEE/ACM International Conference on Utility and Cloud Computing (UCC 2012), Chicago, Illinois, USA, November 2012 (PDF).
  • Qingling Wang and Carlos A. Varela. Impact of Cloud Computing Virtualization Strategies on Workloads' Performance. In 4th IEEE/ACM International Conference on Utility and Cloud Computing (UCC 2011), Melbourne, Australia, December 2011 (PDF).
  • Ping Wang, Wei Huang, and Carlos A. Varela. Impact of Virtual Machine Granularity on Cloud Computing Workloads Performance. In Workshop on Autonomic Computational Science (ACS'2010), Brussels, Belgium, pages 393-400, October 2010 (PDF).